Wednesday, October 29, 2014


Okay, so this is a little bothersome. A trio of poli sci profs co-opt the seal of the state of Montana to do some hum-drum research on voter turnout (if you think the experimental design is exceptional, I urge you to attend an experimental econ seminar once in a while). Folks get upset, complain to the election boards, and now their universities are facing civil action (pending an attorney huddle).

Ordinarily, I'd go with the Angus-ism, but I think in this case I'll let Jeff Goldblum take this one.
It's a little strange though that folks would get bent out of shape about this, thinking that it would influence an election. If you're worried that voters are so easily led astray by a mailer, even one with the official seal of the state, perhaps you should retain a greater skepticism about the validity of choosing through elections. The fact that low-information voters might determine an election surely points to a dire flaw in the system, does it not?

Hm. Poor dudes. If this costs them tenure, they'll have to accept a nasty, brutish BATNA: adjunct.

Shiver me timbers.

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Do you have suggestions on where we could find more examples of this phenomenon?